National colloquium on startups in Algeria - University of Blida 2, Algeria


The house of entrepreneurship of the University of Blida 2 with the laboratory of human resources management and sustainable development of the Faculty of Economics and Commercial Sciences and Management Sciences, and the center "Yabda", a project implemented within the framework of Erasmus + projects, organized, on November 6, 2019, a national symposium on startups in Algeria, entitled: Startups in Algeria: between ''the search for funding and the activation of employment policy.

The director of the laboratory of human resources management and sustainable development Dr. Rachid Satour, delivered a speech in which he stressed the importance of the theme of the symposium and its implications in the socio-economic world.

The floor was then handed over to the Director of the "Yabda" Centre Dr. Bouchama Mohammed Ridha, who also evoked the objectives envisaged by the colloquium, adding that the interest of receiving projects and programmes from the European Union is to facilitate the mobility of students between universities and to ensure the best insertion of students in the active world today, in Algeria or elsewhere.

The honorary president of the colloquium, Prof. Khaled Ramoul, Rector of Blida 2 University, Lounici Ali, announced at the end of the opening session, the official launching of the colloquium works.