On October 5th, 2021, after the pre-final rounds at a national level on July and September, the international final round was organised in hybrid mode. The event began with the introduction made by the coordinator of the YABDA project at the Maghreb level.
Read MoreOn the occasion of the Call for “Innovative Projects” a series of competitions were organized in the local level. The competition began with a call for applications to students and administrative and technical staff as well as educational staff of partner universities to submit their entrepreneurial ideas. In the context of the competition, local final rounds were organized at the level of each university, and then a national final was organized at the level of each country. The local competitions took place mostly during month July of 2020.
Read MoreThe first step of the elaboration of the deliverable D3.2 was based on the call for applications that had to be submitted by the candidates in order to expose their entrepreneurial ideas organizing them and representing them in the context of a potential and descriptive project. The Call for “Innovative Projects” Applications started at first from 25th December 2019 to 25th March 2020. Due to the circumstances and delays that pandemic provoked, the renewal of the call for applications was defined from 25th October to 31st December 2020.
Read MoreIt was the partner’s wish before and during the project’s activities to maximize the project’s impact for its long-term exploitation. To do so, the partners had set up a detailed dissemination plan, to exploit the project activities and results. The dissemination plan included among its activities the Info Days, programmed to take place during M29 of the project. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the national measures taken in order to prevent its spread, the partners came to the decision that an Info Day would have no real impact, as very few of the target audience, if any, would be able to attend face-to-face. It was considered more strategic in terms of dissemination and reach of the desired audiences to turn the Info Days into a transnational Yabda Webinar that lasted for three days.
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