National conference


Programme of the day

09 :00 – 09 :15 opening ceremony

09 :15 10 :00 Entrepreneurship in Morocco : Actual situation and perspectives

10 : 00 – 10 :30 Pause Café

Development experience of entrepreneurship at moroccan universities

10 : 30 – 11 : 00 University Hassan II of Casablanca

11 : 00 – 11 : 30 University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech

11 : 30 – 12 : 00 University Abdelmalek Saadi of Tétouan

12: 00 – 12 :30 University Hassan 1er of Settat

12 : 30 -13 : 00 Crossed perspectives on the future

13 :00 – 14 :30 Pause déjeuner

14 :30 - 15 :30 Discussion et Recommandations

15 :30 - 17 :00 Visite de la maison de l’Entrepreneuriat